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Beginner Sewing Challenge Day 1

Welcome to the Sewing Challenge DAY 1 from Beginner Sewing. Today we are challenging you to pick up your manual and learn something new.  If you have purchased an “experienced” machine that did not come with a manual, no worries, you can find your manual online.  Just go to the manufacturer’s website and do a quick search.

If you are not a 100% newbie, scroll to the bottom to find your challenge (scavenger hunt! ha).  If you have yet to sew a button using your sewing machine stay put. This part is for you…

Sewing Challenge Day 1: Buttons

Who doesn’t love buttons? I’ve been sewing with them for years, however, I hand sew them. Why? Because I thought it was quicker. Recently I purchased a new machine and actually took some time to read the manual online while I was waiting for it to arrive. I also spent a little (more like lotta!) time watching YouTube overviews on the exact machine that was heading my way. This is where I stumbled upon sewing buttons on with the sewing machine. After all of these years of sewing, it had never even crossed my mind to try it. Set in my old ways of hand sewing, just out of pure habit.  As a non-beginner, beginner, I wanted to make Day 1 all about learning about buttons…

Did you Know…

Did you know that all buttonholes are the same space apart? I also learned this in my YouTube time warp binge. No matter how small or large the buttons are, the holes are the same distance apart. Welllllll that sure does make it easy and convenient to sew quickly with a sewing machine.

Enough typing, let me show you in this video what today’s challenge is all about. Grab your scrap piece of fabric and a button and join me. Wait! If you do not have either handy in your sewing room, feel free to neatly use your seam ripper and take a button off of something that you have a matching thread for. You are about to learn how to sew it right back on!

Watch This…



Now What?

Now that you have seen how I do it, for the Sewing Challenge Day 1, your challenge is to learn how to sew a button using your sewing machine. Take out your manual, watch YouTube videos that have your machine specifically to learn how to do this with YOUR machine. You can then comment on this post or in our community group on Facebook under the dedicated post for today’s challenge in our event tab.  Share an image if you feel comfortable doing so, if not, just share that you “GOT IT!” If this challenge is challenging you more than you had hoped, feel free to comment with that as well so everyone can help you out.  This challenge comes with support in so many learning together… take advantage of it!

Already a Button Master?

If you have already mastered sewing buttons and buttonholes with your sewing machine, for this challenge I ask you to pull out your manual and find something you did not know about your sewing machine. Try a new technique that you have been nervous to try.  Have you done free motion? If not, this is a great time to try it out. Grab some scrap fabric and get doodling. Have you tried your zipper foot yet? Another good option.  Or maybe you just have a bunch of feet that you do not even know what they are for. Take your manual out and learn about each of them and what they are for and how they can help improve your sewing.

Once you are done, comment on this post or in our community group on Facebook under the dedicated post for today’s challenge in our event tab.  Share an image of what you learned today if you feel comfortable doing so, if not, just share that you “GOT IT!” and what “it” was.

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